Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tush Tush

Tummy time aint so bad, well, for a couple minutes anyways :)

I like baths again!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A moment in the life of Declan

"Hey Mom! Hows it going?"
"Ooohh, a camera. Let me see!"
"I got it!"
"Huh? Don't take it away."
"Give it back Mom!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look at me grow!


6 month Dr Appt

We had our 6-month check up yesterday and the boy looks great! He is 19 pounds and 28 inches putting him in the 75th and 90th percentiles. He looks well and is thriving but the only thing concerning the doctor is his constant mucasy and often bloody stool. It appears he has a form of colitis, most likely allergic colitis that is caused by an allergy to things like eggs, milk, soy, wheat, nuts etc. The doctor told me that if I want to continue to breastfeed then I need to eliminate these food sources from my diet or I can wean him and get him on a hypoallergenic formula. I am going to go ahead and try to eat with out the allergy sources with the help of a rice protein and other supplements. The Doc also said that this is the most likely reason Declan has been having diaper rash issue his entire life and once the allergen is removed the rashes should go away.

We had our first round of immunizations yesterday. It wasnt nearly as bad as I expected! He only cried for a minute and he seamed more upset then in pain. We were only going to get him the DTaP but since he is going to be in childcare the Dr. recommended we do the HIB vaccine aswell. He was a little grumpy and tired that night but he passed right out at 6:30 and pretty much slept he rest of the night.

I joined the gym yesterday! Now that Declan is 6 mo old I can leave him in the gyms daycare while work out, take a class, or even read a book in the hot tub. I am so frickin excited! I finally get "me"time!

Declan is just amazing, the changes in that last month are like night and day. He grabs everything in sight, he giggles all the time, he is SUPER ticklish, he loves to flirt with the ladies and he is really interested in other kids. We can’t eat in front of him any more with out him getting really upset that he isn’t having any food. I need to carry a jar of baby food with me now J He has also learned that he can fuss. When he is in the car now he doesn’t cry he yells and screams and fusses with out tears. If he wants to stand instead of sit he tells you, if he wants anything boy does he ever let you know.
Photomontage soon to follow

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy 1/2 Year Bierthday To Me

Today is Declan’s 6-month birthday! Our little dude has grown and flourished so much in the last 6 months
Starting out in the lower 25% in height and weight he is now approximately in the upper 90%.
Last night was so cute and to me it marked a new level in his development. He was hanging out in his playpen playing with his soft books when he suddenly started to squeak his little “I’m bored, get-me-out-squeak” Assuming he was done playing I picked him up, at which point he started to full on cry. I tried to rock him and even offer him the breast, after a minute I just set him back down in the playpen and he was just as happy as can be. I think he was just fussing a little because he wanted me to resituate him and/or put a toy in reach.
This week also marks a big week for mom and dad; we got a babysitter, twice. The first time my sister took him for a couple hours so I could clean. I spent over two hours straightening, scrubbing and de-cluttering the kitchen. This is my first step towards baby proofing the house. It would be nice to be able to babysit my niece Melissa, she is 1.5 so, her little hands can grab anything in sight and she is one curious little monkey.
On Wednesday night we recruited the help of Kris and Dianne who were more than happy to assist. This was a huge step for us! This is the first time a non-family member has watched Declan and also the first time he was away from us at his bedtime. Honestly, I had no idea how it would go. I guess he was fine for a little while, he was just sitting on the floor playing with toys, when suddenly out of nowhere he lost it. He had a total melt down and was just wailing inconsolably. They were able to eventually calm him down enough, with the use of a baby carrier, to put him into a swing. Then to every ones amazement he slept for like 3 hours straight in the swing until we came back to pick him up.
We had a great night! We went out to dinner at Departure, a really cool restaurant that resembles the inside of an airplane, and then we had a drink at the Florida Room. Our first real date since Declan was born!
We are going to try and get a sitter once every week or two just for and hour or two and then have a big night out at least once a month.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I went to the zoo for the first time today and guess what I did.
I slept almost the entire time!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Learning to Sit

I am getting REALLY good at using my muscles to balance!
I was super excited about my toys tonight :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I like to eat!

We went with rice cereal prepared with breast milk for Declans first feeding. He really liked it! It was so funny, if Shane waited too long to give him another bite, he would start to fuss until he saw the spoon coming.

Hurray for happy hungry babies!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


My first Halloween party!!
The Sheriff and his prisoner