Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was cleaning his room with him safely tucked away in his crib when I looked over and saw that he was about to pull himself up. He did it in just a few seconds stood there for a couple minutes then tried to pick up toy and fell on his face. I sat him up and ran for the camera. With in a minute or two he did it again and this time I caught it!



I swear he does other things beside eat :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The cold that wont go away!

Just a little recap and update on Declan’s condition. Declan showed cold symptoms on Monday, February 1st a little cold, no big deal. Friday the 12th we were up all night with Declan not just crying and fussing, but full on screaming inconsolably from 2:30am to 7am. I did get him to sleep twice in the Ergo for a few minutes each time and he would just startle awake screaming. I called the advice nurse described the symptoms, she did some reading, asked me a bunch of questions and told us to get to the ER now because he might have intestinal intussusception. We drove to the ER in a slight panic to find out Declan only had an ear infection. THANK GOD!!

We got some antibiotics and went home. The antibiotics gave Mr. D bad diarrhea and a yeast rash. So, we went through the antibiotics and he seamed to be feeling a little better. But, he was still really fussy most of the time, his cough got worse and his nose was still dripping constantly.

Yesterday I went to the Dr again (not my regular pedi) and he was surprised to hear that we are in week 4 of this cold and that his cough and runny nose has lasted that long. He peeked into Declan’s ears and saw that the left one looks good now but his right ear is now infected and he has a sinus infection as well. We are on antibiotic number two, baby probiotics 3x a days and doubling up on the Tylenol and Motrin.

My poor, sweet baby, I feel so bad and wish I could do more for him. He is a bit fussy today and is pulling and sticking his fingers in his ears a lot but he does seem to be feeling a little better.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

9 mo check up

We had our 9 month check up and Declan is in the 75-90% in height, weight and head circumference. He weighed in at a hefty 22.9 pounds and he is 29.5 inches tall. His cognitive and motor development skills are right on track. The doctor thought it was normal for him to not be crawling yet and thinks he will be crawling, walking and talking in the next 3 months.

Next week we go in to check his iron levels, for a lead test and a full allergy screen to see if he is allergic to eggs or if he just has intolerance to them.

His ear is healing up nicely so hopefully I will get a good nights sleep in the next few days. This waking up screaming and having to be rocked to sleep in an upright position and waking up when being laid down thing is killing me. I am a little tired of sleeping in the recliner sitting up with Declan on my chest. If it wasn’t for this though some nights I wouldn’t get any sleep so I am going to be thankful for the hours I am getting.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Squishity Squash

Chowing down on butternut squash, mmmm.

A little naked time

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This Morning

Declan and I were lying down together when he grabbed my finger and shoved it into his mouth. I immediately felt something poke me from the wrong side, omg, it’s a bottom tooth! Declan now has 3 teeth! His top 2 and 1 bottom one. Boy, does he know how to use em! I finally bought a food mill last week and doesn’t it just figure that Declan no longer has any interest in pureed foods. He will take about 5 bites max and then spends the rest of the time trying to grab the spoon to feed himself. He wants finger food. Declan likes to eat chunks of
Sweet potatoes
Oranges, he LOVES oranges of all different varieties
Rice, he even ate curried rice one night :)
Tomatoes, Bubbys loves his tomatoes

Declan just did cutest thing! I put a small blaket over his head and when he pulled it off I yelled "BOO!" and laughed. I did this 3 time and then Declan grabbed the blanket covered his face and then pulled it down and smiled at me. He now does this over and over again for the Boo! and laughing mommy reaction. He is so smart :)

I have been trying to upload a video from this morning but after 2 hours and 4 failed attempts I give up. I will try again tomorrow :)