Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 month Dr Appt

We had our 6-month check up yesterday and the boy looks great! He is 19 pounds and 28 inches putting him in the 75th and 90th percentiles. He looks well and is thriving but the only thing concerning the doctor is his constant mucasy and often bloody stool. It appears he has a form of colitis, most likely allergic colitis that is caused by an allergy to things like eggs, milk, soy, wheat, nuts etc. The doctor told me that if I want to continue to breastfeed then I need to eliminate these food sources from my diet or I can wean him and get him on a hypoallergenic formula. I am going to go ahead and try to eat with out the allergy sources with the help of a rice protein and other supplements. The Doc also said that this is the most likely reason Declan has been having diaper rash issue his entire life and once the allergen is removed the rashes should go away.

We had our first round of immunizations yesterday. It wasnt nearly as bad as I expected! He only cried for a minute and he seamed more upset then in pain. We were only going to get him the DTaP but since he is going to be in childcare the Dr. recommended we do the HIB vaccine aswell. He was a little grumpy and tired that night but he passed right out at 6:30 and pretty much slept he rest of the night.

I joined the gym yesterday! Now that Declan is 6 mo old I can leave him in the gyms daycare while work out, take a class, or even read a book in the hot tub. I am so frickin excited! I finally get "me"time!

Declan is just amazing, the changes in that last month are like night and day. He grabs everything in sight, he giggles all the time, he is SUPER ticklish, he loves to flirt with the ladies and he is really interested in other kids. We can’t eat in front of him any more with out him getting really upset that he isn’t having any food. I need to carry a jar of baby food with me now J He has also learned that he can fuss. When he is in the car now he doesn’t cry he yells and screams and fusses with out tears. If he wants to stand instead of sit he tells you, if he wants anything boy does he ever let you know.
Photomontage soon to follow

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