Monday, January 4, 2010

He's Growing So Fast!!

Declan is changing in leaps and bounds this month. He yells mama! when I leave the room and he squeals in delight at the anticipation of oncoming tickles. His new words are “mama” and “baba.”
He is figuring out how to do things through trial and error and he is mastering the meaning of cause and effect. He can even wave hello sometimes after much coaxing.
He has really gotten into his books and loves it when mommy reads him a story, actually we usually have two stories going at once. I read a few pages of one and he gets super excited, he flaps his arms and kicks his legs and squeals while grabbing for the book. I then pick up the other one and read a few pages, his reaction is the same and we trade books. About five minutes later both books are complete, even with a few soggy corners.
When we go for walks in the stroller now, he sits forward and watches people go by to the point he is leaning over edge to see the backs of them disappear.
He keeps trying to stand and just go from my lap, he doesn’t know how, so he just falls every time. He wants to crawl but he just hasn’t quiet figured it out. 8.5 months is the average age, and I am in no hurry.
We get our second round of immunizations tomorrow, HIB and DTaP. Next month he will get HIB and Polio.
the boy is starting to fuss and needs a nap

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