Monday, October 26, 2009

Diaper Fiasco

After fighting off the same diaper rash for almost a month it is finally starting to get better. Poor little duded had a rash from his bellybutton that went all the way down and went half way up his back and to his little knees. I had never scene anything like it! I diagnosed a yeast infection on my own and started using anti fungal cream in addition to max strength Desitin overnight to treat it. It started to get better after one day and then came back even worse in two. I have been trying every diaper under the sun and each time it would look better for a day and then look a whole lot worse. I spent a lot of money and now have several packs of diapers I will never use. Poor Declan was crying REALLY hard with every diaper change. So I started giving a couple baths a day and washing him off in the sink in between. Atleast then he didnt cry and it made diaper changes fun.
I finally called the advice nurse and she had me bring him into the Dr. It turned out that after having a mild case of diarrhea the rash became infected with yeast. He told me I hadn’t done any thing to cause it and that I was doing everything perfectly but yeast can be very stubborn. He had be switch to a different anti fungal cream (lamosil) since the first wasn’t working and to try a different diaper cream. Again, it got better and then way worse.
Like an idiot, I finally realized that we didn’t have this problem when we used Huggies Pure & Natural. The only stores I have found that carry this brand are Babies-r-us and walmart, neither of which are close to the house. I went to walmart armed with a $3 off coupon and bought a package of the pure and natural and low and behold, the rash began to clear and has steadily been getting better and is almost gone in 4 days.

Looks like Declan got momma’s sensitive skin, poor dude.

All of this started because of a bag of Pampers and a mild case of diarrhea. Who new?


Sarah said...

Athletes foot cream....worked every time for my babies! Sorry to hear about that... I know how frustrating it can be...and painful to look at!

Maureen said...

Aw poor guy!

Violet, Shane and Declan said...

Yup, we used the foot cream. Here's a little tip I learned. It's like $6-$13 off the shelf but the pharmasist has generic stuff behind the counter for under $2