Thursday, January 8, 2009

Weeks 17 and 18

Well the 17th to 18th weeks were great we spent time with family in Oklahoma and Texas. I think I feel the baby kicking from time to time but it’s so hard to tell. It sometimes reminds of what it feels like when your tummy growls. The last three days I have been hungry non-stop. After I eat a small amount I am full but like an hour later I am ready for more. My sweet tooth is acting up I have been craving doughnuts all the time, thank god I have only had one.
My sciatica is acting up and the pain is constant most days. I have taken to a very awkward walk that lessens the pain but probably gives me the appearance of a duck. I no longer have any morning sickness (YEA!) I do, however, have heartburn a lot. Something about Oklahoma, maybe all the dairy I ate, caused me to only suffer from heartburn once the entire time I was there. Texas, on the other hand, was a constant three days of it.
Well, we only have 8 days until we find out the sex! I am so excited. Shane and I still both really like Declan for a boy, which is, coincidently Elvis Costello’s birth name. I like Declan Philip Donald Smith, since I have three middle names two does not seem out of the ordinary to me. We have decided against Piper due to the fact that everyone said “oh like Piper Palin”. I despise that women and do not want a name that is going to be associated with her.
I am going to get online and look up nursery ideas today. I am going to use neutral colors on the walls so I can get the part figured out at least. I have also decided that the crib bedding is going to be very plain, I don’t want to design a room around crib set theme.
I sent out emails to 6 different Bradley Method birthing instructors. The classes are 12 weeks long so I need to be enrolled and starting by 26 weeks to ensure it has been completed before the babies birth. A natural drug free birth is the most important thing to me. No medicine, including an epidural has been proven safe for baby. The epidural, in fact, drugs the baby. I want a fully aware un-drugged baby at birth! I don’t care how much pain I am in my baby is worth it! I have also decided to stop taking Tylenol and to go to physical therapy for my back pain instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smart move to keep the room a neutral color. Gives you the most flexibility. You will save a lot of money with a plain crib set. No need to waste your money on all these elaborate crib comforters. Good luck decorating your nursery.