Thursday, March 5, 2009

26 weeks 5 days

Declan has out grown his room but he still likes to strrrreeeetch out and make mommy a little uncomfortable. Yesterday it was really quite painful, I was actually starting to get a little worried.
Last night I sat down and designed my baby shower invites and will have them in the mail by Monday. I had so much fun making them! I think I am a little obsessed with this nautical theme :)
Well, Jason came over Monday and took one load of stuff. When he left he told us that he would be back Tuesday for the rest and then take his white trash car on Wednesday. Well it's Thursday and my babies room is still full of sh*t and there are still millions of holes in the walls. My patients have run out, like a month ago. I have lived a lot of places and have had a lot of roommates. When you have an agreement with someone that you will be out by the first of the month, you are. I think that Shanes niceness is being taken advantage of and it really makes me angry.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Hmmm...I think it's March 6th now. Maybe he doesn't know this, but March 6th is not the same as the 1st. It's not like your rent check that you can hold off paying until the 5th legally.
Sounds like it's time for a Spackle party!