Saturday, March 21, 2009

29 weeks

Wow, 29 weeks. It’s so weird that I am so close to the end of this journey and to the beginning of the next. I feel so incredibly lucky to be experiencing the creation of life.
Our son, that has such a nice ring to it.
I have discovered the joys that being over weight before pregnancy can bring. I didn’t pass my glucose tolerance test. Just to make sure I really do have gestational diabetes they are going to torture me a bit and make me do the 3-hour glucose test. I will admit that I am a little scared. Our little Declan feels much larger than he should be and this could be due the GD. If we don’t get it under control and even if we do there is a chance that he will be too big for a vaginal birth.
Having a c-section is one of my biggest fears.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Oh I heard that test was pretty much the most amazing thing ever. I've known a couple ladies from my work who had to go through it because their scores were high from the blood test. They still came out within the normal range when they took the extended version. There's hope yet.