Saturday, May 2, 2009

35 weeks

Declan has been going nuts the last couple days! He moves his legs around so frequently and rapidly he has almost knocked me of balance. Shane can see him moving my stomach all over the place. He gets the hiccups almost daily now, usually in the evening when I sit down to watch TV. I love watching and feeling him move, my little sweetheart. I can't wait to meet him, thinking about looking at his beautiful little face and holding me close just makes me glow with excitement.

Pregnancy has been a really difficult, lonely time for me. I am slightly depressed but I am sure hormones are to blame. I spend most of my time alone not knowing what to do with my self. The house is messy and I hate it but doing the smallest things like cleaning and mopping the bathroom wipes me out for the rest of the day. My hands were so swollen yesterday that I had a hard time closing my fist. I am so sore all the time that a 20 block walk round trip and an hour at the park leaves me in pain for at least a day. My back is usually on fire and often tweaking my sciatic nerve. Carpal tunnel has caused my carpals to ache making simple things like picking up a gallon of milk or unhooking my bra excruciating.

Maybe I am not cut out for this pregnancy thing.

I just want to feel like myself again.

1 comment:

MissAnneThrope said...

Poor Violet, I'm sorry that you feel crappy. It doesn't help to have little miss maureen's perfect pregnancy to compare your own to. But the struggles just show that you're a good mother already, and I know you'll just keep on improving through Deco's life. Good luck with everything and remember that when you feel lonely, you do have friends who will help you out, even if that means just sitting and watching movies. And that includes me. Good luck, but I know you can do it.