Sunday, December 28, 2008
17 weeks, oh my!
Wow, I can’t believe 17 weeks have already passed. Only 3 weeks to the halfway mark and finding out if we are having a Declan or a Piper. These names aren’t for sure yet, but we both like them and I am amazed that we have actually agreed on something. Our taste in names is VERY different.
Periodically over the last week I felt little flutters and I am told that this is the baby kicking. I don’t feel it very often and it’s so faint, I have a hard time believing it’s the baby. It could just be gas, you never know.
I am able to stomach more food these last two weeks. I am always really hungry during the first half of the day but I don’t seem to get hungry in the evenings so eating dinner is a challenge. I usually take a few bites and call it good. I worry sometimes that the baby isn’t getting what he needs. I usually have peanut butter & jelly toast for breakfast and some random leftovers or if I am at work, a bagel with cream cheese and a banana for lunch. After that I snack a bit, drink a few glasses of milk through out the day and call it good. I am worried that I am not consuming enough calories for me and baby. I guess I will talk to my OB in a few weeks and see what he thinks.
My goodness the uterus stretching is painful. It feels like period cramps only a bit different. These pains have gotten worse over the last two weeks, a lot of random, sometimes long lasting pain through out the day. I do get very worried about it, but my Doc says it is fine as long as I am not bleeding and that it is just my uterus getting bigger. So I try to let my mind rest.
Okay, so I am super excited! We bought a couch yesterday!! I have been dieing for a new couch for about a year now but couches are very expensive. Our old couch was really really cool! It was a 1964 sofa bed the only problem with it was the fact that it was the most horribly uncomfortable thing you ever sat on. My grandfather was VERY generous with his Christmas gift this year so we went out and got this beautiful new couch. (Thank you so much grandpa! I cant wait to see you in a week in a half!)

(Mr. Kitty Face thinks the couch is for him)
I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and has a fantastic New Year.
Periodically over the last week I felt little flutters and I am told that this is the baby kicking. I don’t feel it very often and it’s so faint, I have a hard time believing it’s the baby. It could just be gas, you never know.
I am able to stomach more food these last two weeks. I am always really hungry during the first half of the day but I don’t seem to get hungry in the evenings so eating dinner is a challenge. I usually take a few bites and call it good. I worry sometimes that the baby isn’t getting what he needs. I usually have peanut butter & jelly toast for breakfast and some random leftovers or if I am at work, a bagel with cream cheese and a banana for lunch. After that I snack a bit, drink a few glasses of milk through out the day and call it good. I am worried that I am not consuming enough calories for me and baby. I guess I will talk to my OB in a few weeks and see what he thinks.
My goodness the uterus stretching is painful. It feels like period cramps only a bit different. These pains have gotten worse over the last two weeks, a lot of random, sometimes long lasting pain through out the day. I do get very worried about it, but my Doc says it is fine as long as I am not bleeding and that it is just my uterus getting bigger. So I try to let my mind rest.
Okay, so I am super excited! We bought a couch yesterday!! I have been dieing for a new couch for about a year now but couches are very expensive. Our old couch was really really cool! It was a 1964 sofa bed the only problem with it was the fact that it was the most horribly uncomfortable thing you ever sat on. My grandfather was VERY generous with his Christmas gift this year so we went out and got this beautiful new couch. (Thank you so much grandpa! I cant wait to see you in a week in a half!)

(Mr. Kitty Face thinks the couch is for him)
I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and has a fantastic New Year.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas! 16 weeks 5 days
This is going to be the most memorable christmas of my life. Last night, I found this hidden amongts my gifts, inside a sock to be exact.

I can't believe everything that happened in my life over the last two years. Meeting Shane was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. Now we are having a baby and getting married. I always dreamed this day would come. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
He got me the perfect ring. Its 18kt white gold c. 1920 with 1 ct old european cut diamond and a filigree finish. This is the ring of my dreams, given to me by the man of my dreams.

Unfortunatley no one will see this beauty on my finger for a while. The store told Shane it could take up to 6 weeks to have it resized anf he didnt want to wait to propose. I will be taking it in tomorrow to have it done.
I took the ring in today to have it sized and the woman told me that she will do everything in her power to have the ring back to me before we leave for OK. I AM SO EXCITED!!!

I can't believe everything that happened in my life over the last two years. Meeting Shane was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. Now we are having a baby and getting married. I always dreamed this day would come. I am the luckiest girl in the world.
He got me the perfect ring. Its 18kt white gold c. 1920 with 1 ct old european cut diamond and a filigree finish. This is the ring of my dreams, given to me by the man of my dreams.

Unfortunatley no one will see this beauty on my finger for a while. The store told Shane it could take up to 6 weeks to have it resized anf he didnt want to wait to propose. I will be taking it in tomorrow to have it done.
I took the ring in today to have it sized and the woman told me that she will do everything in her power to have the ring back to me before we leave for OK. I AM SO EXCITED!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
16 Weeks
Good bye morning sickness, hello heart burn!
Tums are my new best friend. Oh, how I love your chalky goodness!
The weather today was amazing. We drove (4 wheel drive rocks!) over to Leif Ericson drive and went for a walk this afternoon. It was nice and not too cold, that is, until it started to snow and freezing rain on us. We didn't mind though, it's not very often you get feet of snow in Portland. We are going to enjoy it while we can. We have been very lucky to have the last 3 days off of work. We both get to sit in the warm cozy house tomorrow too. I cannot believe that Christmas is only a few days away and then my birthday is a week after that. This year has just flown by!
I am so excited to go to Oklahoma and visit Shane's family and then off to Texas to see my grandpa. My grandfather lived next door to me for as long as I can remember and having him move to Texas made me realize how lucky I was to have him here all those years. I really miss him.
Anyways, above are some pics of todays snow.
Tums are my new best friend. Oh, how I love your chalky goodness!
The weather today was amazing. We drove (4 wheel drive rocks!) over to Leif Ericson drive and went for a walk this afternoon. It was nice and not too cold, that is, until it started to snow and freezing rain on us. We didn't mind though, it's not very often you get feet of snow in Portland. We are going to enjoy it while we can. We have been very lucky to have the last 3 days off of work. We both get to sit in the warm cozy house tomorrow too. I cannot believe that Christmas is only a few days away and then my birthday is a week after that. This year has just flown by!
I am so excited to go to Oklahoma and visit Shane's family and then off to Texas to see my grandpa. My grandfather lived next door to me for as long as I can remember and having him move to Texas made me realize how lucky I was to have him here all those years. I really miss him.
Anyways, above are some pics of todays snow.
Friday, December 19, 2008
15 weeks 6 days
All and all this has been a good week. I notice my emotions are running a little high. I cry very easily and customers at work really piss me off. Yesterday, this lady was upset over ten cents that she thought she shouldn’t pay I had a little attitude explaining to her where the charge was from I was a nice as possible and took the dime off the total. My sup. was standing there and she said my reaction was fine but for me I usually just stuck to the “just say yes” policy and keep my mouth shut. These days I would rather just be behind the bar making drinks, smiling, saying hi and having a little small talk with customers. I have an easier time connecting with people when I am making their drinks. Sounds weird, I know. I do seem to get stuck on register a lot though and when I am on bar I am constantly being ask how I am doing. I think it’s because I am preggo they must think standing in one spot at the reg. is better for me. When, in fact, I am way more sore after work if I have been standing in one spot all day.
Shane is actually taking this weekend off, so, we have the next three days together! How exciting! The weather is supposed to be pretty crappy with a mix of rain, freezing rain and snow. Maybe I can convince him to stay in a cabin somewhere and enjoy the snow Saturday night.
I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept worrying about the baby and I kept waking up on my back. I am not sure if it matters yet whether or not I do, but I kept waking up with a terrible headache and pain in my abdomen causing me to roll over. I am still sick, it has been what, two weeks now. I am just starting to develop a cough. My left, behind the ear, lymph node is swollen at least 3 times it’s normal size. I don’t think it’s ever been this large. It’s sticking up way past my jaw and extends down to my neck. I really hope I don’t have some sort of nasty infection that could harm the baby. Our alpha-fetoprotein test is today so I can show the doc my poor swollen face.
I have become really paranoid lately that something is going o happen to the baby. I think it might be because every two weeks or so I was having an ultra sound. It has been four weeks and I still have two to four weeks until the next one. I am going to schedule it as soon as I can. I am dying to know if it’s a boy or girl! I really want to find out before we go to Texas and Oklahoma over the newyear. I would love to tell the news to our families in person.
Shane is actually taking this weekend off, so, we have the next three days together! How exciting! The weather is supposed to be pretty crappy with a mix of rain, freezing rain and snow. Maybe I can convince him to stay in a cabin somewhere and enjoy the snow Saturday night.
I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept worrying about the baby and I kept waking up on my back. I am not sure if it matters yet whether or not I do, but I kept waking up with a terrible headache and pain in my abdomen causing me to roll over. I am still sick, it has been what, two weeks now. I am just starting to develop a cough. My left, behind the ear, lymph node is swollen at least 3 times it’s normal size. I don’t think it’s ever been this large. It’s sticking up way past my jaw and extends down to my neck. I really hope I don’t have some sort of nasty infection that could harm the baby. Our alpha-fetoprotein test is today so I can show the doc my poor swollen face.
I have become really paranoid lately that something is going o happen to the baby. I think it might be because every two weeks or so I was having an ultra sound. It has been four weeks and I still have two to four weeks until the next one. I am going to schedule it as soon as I can. I am dying to know if it’s a boy or girl! I really want to find out before we go to Texas and Oklahoma over the newyear. I would love to tell the news to our families in person.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
15 weeks 3 days Crocheting Fool
I picked up a crochet hook and some yard a bout 30 minutes ago and began to teach myself how to crochet! I am so excited. I have been wanting to learn for years now and I just never had the time. Now that I have 3 weeks and no school I thought it would be the perfect opportunity. I can’t wait to make the baby a blanket! So far I have learned the chain and slip stitches. Give me a week and I will be a crocheting pro. ;)
Another thing I really want is a sewing machine. I have been drooling over them for a couple years now and I am determined that I will have one before the baby. I want to make blankets, sheets, skirts and curtains. I would love to make baby clothes that can be passed on to the next generation. Oh who am I kidding I just want one so I can have all the purses I have ever dreamed of ;)
Look out world! Violets getting crafty!
Another thing I really want is a sewing machine. I have been drooling over them for a couple years now and I am determined that I will have one before the baby. I want to make blankets, sheets, skirts and curtains. I would love to make baby clothes that can be passed on to the next generation. Oh who am I kidding I just want one so I can have all the purses I have ever dreamed of ;)
Look out world! Violets getting crafty!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
15 weeks 1 day

Today was amazing. I felt like a school kid looking out to see if it's going to be a snow day. We decided to test out the Subaru and it drives even better than imagined. I drove for a few miles until we got to a big hill with a red light at the top. I was really nervous that I would stop and start to slide backwards so Shane took over the controls. Shane's friend from OK was visiting this weekend so we took him out the historic highway and on a little waterfalls tour.
The woods were a beautiful winter wonderland. I can't believe how short of breath I am getting. I guess all of the extra blood and baby starting to move up I have a lot harder time hiking and such. I guess I have a while before that gets any better.
It makes me really happy that after living here for so many years, I am still amazed by the splendor that is Oregon.
The woods were a beautiful winter wonderland. I can't believe how short of breath I am getting. I guess all of the extra blood and baby starting to move up I have a lot harder time hiking and such. I guess I have a while before that gets any better.
It makes me really happy that after living here for so many years, I am still amazed by the splendor that is Oregon.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
15 weeks
Today I am officially 15 weeks!
I had my A&P lecture final this morning and I am feeling okay about it. I was actually calm while taking an A&P test for the first time, in a long time. That feels nice.
I bought a Christmas tree! It's just a cute little baby tree (well the head chopped off another) that I got at a place down the street. I feel good about this purchase because 100% of the proceeds go to homes that house developmentally disabled adults. I am so super excited! This is the fist Christmas tree I have ever bought. I haven't had a real tree in about 8 years. It even has a couple of gifts under it, wrapped and ready to go.
As for thinking my morning sickness was starting to pass, I was so very wrong. It was just at rest for a couple days and is now back in full force. I even threw up for the first time. The preggie pops Pam sent me do actually make me feel a little better. (Thanks!) The best advice was from Angela, 7up and saltines really do the trick. Well, most of the time that is.
After cleaning the house and decorating the tree I am feeling a bit queasy. I think I am going to go lay down :)
I had my A&P lecture final this morning and I am feeling okay about it. I was actually calm while taking an A&P test for the first time, in a long time. That feels nice.
I bought a Christmas tree! It's just a cute little baby tree (well the head chopped off another) that I got at a place down the street. I feel good about this purchase because 100% of the proceeds go to homes that house developmentally disabled adults. I am so super excited! This is the fist Christmas tree I have ever bought. I haven't had a real tree in about 8 years. It even has a couple of gifts under it, wrapped and ready to go.
As for thinking my morning sickness was starting to pass, I was so very wrong. It was just at rest for a couple days and is now back in full force. I even threw up for the first time. The preggie pops Pam sent me do actually make me feel a little better. (Thanks!) The best advice was from Angela, 7up and saltines really do the trick. Well, most of the time that is.
After cleaning the house and decorating the tree I am feeling a bit queasy. I think I am going to go lay down :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My fourteenth week is also finals week. I have been studying as much as possible even though I have been confined to sleep and the comfort of my mattress. I caught a really bad cold and luckily for me, pregnant women tend to get sicker and stay sick for longer than normal. I have been doing everything I can to help me get over this with out the use of medicine. I have had a vaporizer steaming the air and releasing menthol for three days. To help with the stuffed up nose I have been using nasal saline drops intended for babies. After researching around I found that no studies have been done to determine if menthol is harmful during pregnancies. It has, however, been classified as most likely not to cause any harm to our baby. I have been using it sparingly along with Tylenol to reduce my fever, aches and pains.
I am scared of my A&P lecture final that is on Saturday. I have been battling test anxiety ever since I started college. I find it so strange because I never had a problem in high school. Back then I didn’t have to study, I would just read the material and ace every test. Now I study my butt off but when I get the test in front of my I clam up and I cannot recall any of the information. It’s like my brain is hiding the information in a file, locked in a vault and it will not open the door until the test is complete and I am walking back to my car.
I went and saw a Hypnotherapists today. She taught me how to relax and self-hypnose, meditate, so I can lose all of my fear and anxiety before taking the test.
I really hope this works because my hormones are working over time and I have been feeling like a failure, like I am not cut out for this A&P nursing stuff. I am not the type of person to quit, so that is not an option. I am just having a hard time continuing on. I bet a lot of this is from not having any breaks. I was even taking classes and doing homework while we were in Australia. This year and a half has been pretty hard on Shane and I, a lot has happened good and bad.
Our alpha-fetoprotein tests are next week. I am a little nervous but I think things will be fine.
This week Shane has flown to Sacramento and then to Maui. He gets home tonight from Maui and then its back to Emanuel tomorrow. I think he got one day off all week.
Besides being sick my morning sickness hasn’t been as bad all week and hopefully next week I will have more energy.
I am scared of my A&P lecture final that is on Saturday. I have been battling test anxiety ever since I started college. I find it so strange because I never had a problem in high school. Back then I didn’t have to study, I would just read the material and ace every test. Now I study my butt off but when I get the test in front of my I clam up and I cannot recall any of the information. It’s like my brain is hiding the information in a file, locked in a vault and it will not open the door until the test is complete and I am walking back to my car.
I went and saw a Hypnotherapists today. She taught me how to relax and self-hypnose, meditate, so I can lose all of my fear and anxiety before taking the test.
I really hope this works because my hormones are working over time and I have been feeling like a failure, like I am not cut out for this A&P nursing stuff. I am not the type of person to quit, so that is not an option. I am just having a hard time continuing on. I bet a lot of this is from not having any breaks. I was even taking classes and doing homework while we were in Australia. This year and a half has been pretty hard on Shane and I, a lot has happened good and bad.
Our alpha-fetoprotein tests are next week. I am a little nervous but I think things will be fine.
This week Shane has flown to Sacramento and then to Maui. He gets home tonight from Maui and then its back to Emanuel tomorrow. I think he got one day off all week.
Besides being sick my morning sickness hasn’t been as bad all week and hopefully next week I will have more energy.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Week 13
The sky is overcast and dreary and the air is cold and damp. I am all nice and snug, eating a bowl of fresh homemade winter squash soup. What a perfect winter day.
Today is my official first day in the second trimester. The changes that have occurred within and without over the last three months are amazing. I can't say everything has gone smoothly but it is all part of the amazing thing to come.
I am so happy that we have made it this far. It seems too good to be true. Our past losses will never be forgotten, and will always make me appreciate and respect the complexities of nature.
My morning sickness is getting worse each day. I start to feel very sick about 4pm (sometimes earlier) and continue down that path, munching on Tums, until bedtime. I can no long sleep the night through. Not only because of frequent bathroom breaks but also because of intense nausea. I haven't yet found that thing that makes me feel better. he he I have even had those days of crazy hormones causing me to cry over everything. When I look back it's kinda silly and I can laugh about it.
Our baby is now about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long, isn't that exciting! We are looking into all things baby and have came to a few conclusions:
We are going to use cloth diapers, no matter how you look and the environmental effects disposable are worse.
The first month or so we are going to use a diaper service. With how many diapers a newborn goes through I just can't imagine doing that much laundry!
Then it is on to pocket diapers and prefolds. Pocket diapers are designed the same as the disposable ones, with Velcro fronts and everything but they can be washed and reused. Prefolds are the old fashion folded cloth diaper but you use a cover to hold it in place so no diaper pins needed :)
We are going as green as possible. I don't want chemicals used in our house with the baby.
Everything is going to be Chlorine, BPA and PBDE free.
Breast milk anyone? Kidding! I am going to feed for as long as possible.
Make our own baby food! All you need are vegetables and a machine to puree.
On to mommy and daddy. I feel that this experience is moving us closer together. Everyday I am even more in love. Shane likes to put his arm around me and hold my tummy as we fall asleep. When I lay down you can feel the uterus popping up a bit. It's nice, I can't wait to feel baby moving around.
It's getting more and more difficult to stay away from sweets. Ice cream is just so damn good! :P
I am so happy and content. I know it's cheesy but I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even though this is going to be a difficult journey I am going to make the most of every moment good, bad, happy and tearful. Who knows this could be, my only time to experience it.
Violet and Shane
Today is my official first day in the second trimester. The changes that have occurred within and without over the last three months are amazing. I can't say everything has gone smoothly but it is all part of the amazing thing to come.
I am so happy that we have made it this far. It seems too good to be true. Our past losses will never be forgotten, and will always make me appreciate and respect the complexities of nature.
My morning sickness is getting worse each day. I start to feel very sick about 4pm (sometimes earlier) and continue down that path, munching on Tums, until bedtime. I can no long sleep the night through. Not only because of frequent bathroom breaks but also because of intense nausea. I haven't yet found that thing that makes me feel better. he he I have even had those days of crazy hormones causing me to cry over everything. When I look back it's kinda silly and I can laugh about it.
Our baby is now about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long, isn't that exciting! We are looking into all things baby and have came to a few conclusions:
We are going to use cloth diapers, no matter how you look and the environmental effects disposable are worse.
The first month or so we are going to use a diaper service. With how many diapers a newborn goes through I just can't imagine doing that much laundry!
Then it is on to pocket diapers and prefolds. Pocket diapers are designed the same as the disposable ones, with Velcro fronts and everything but they can be washed and reused. Prefolds are the old fashion folded cloth diaper but you use a cover to hold it in place so no diaper pins needed :)
We are going as green as possible. I don't want chemicals used in our house with the baby.
Everything is going to be Chlorine, BPA and PBDE free.
Breast milk anyone? Kidding! I am going to feed for as long as possible.
Make our own baby food! All you need are vegetables and a machine to puree.
On to mommy and daddy. I feel that this experience is moving us closer together. Everyday I am even more in love. Shane likes to put his arm around me and hold my tummy as we fall asleep. When I lay down you can feel the uterus popping up a bit. It's nice, I can't wait to feel baby moving around.
It's getting more and more difficult to stay away from sweets. Ice cream is just so damn good! :P
I am so happy and content. I know it's cheesy but I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even though this is going to be a difficult journey I am going to make the most of every moment good, bad, happy and tearful. Who knows this could be, my only time to experience it.
Violet and Shane
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