Friday, December 19, 2008

15 weeks 6 days

All and all this has been a good week. I notice my emotions are running a little high. I cry very easily and customers at work really piss me off. Yesterday, this lady was upset over ten cents that she thought she shouldn’t pay I had a little attitude explaining to her where the charge was from I was a nice as possible and took the dime off the total. My sup. was standing there and she said my reaction was fine but for me I usually just stuck to the “just say yes” policy and keep my mouth shut. These days I would rather just be behind the bar making drinks, smiling, saying hi and having a little small talk with customers. I have an easier time connecting with people when I am making their drinks. Sounds weird, I know. I do seem to get stuck on register a lot though and when I am on bar I am constantly being ask how I am doing. I think it’s because I am preggo they must think standing in one spot at the reg. is better for me. When, in fact, I am way more sore after work if I have been standing in one spot all day.

Shane is actually taking this weekend off, so, we have the next three days together! How exciting! The weather is supposed to be pretty crappy with a mix of rain, freezing rain and snow. Maybe I can convince him to stay in a cabin somewhere and enjoy the snow Saturday night.

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept worrying about the baby and I kept waking up on my back. I am not sure if it matters yet whether or not I do, but I kept waking up with a terrible headache and pain in my abdomen causing me to roll over. I am still sick, it has been what, two weeks now. I am just starting to develop a cough. My left, behind the ear, lymph node is swollen at least 3 times it’s normal size. I don’t think it’s ever been this large. It’s sticking up way past my jaw and extends down to my neck. I really hope I don’t have some sort of nasty infection that could harm the baby. Our alpha-fetoprotein test is today so I can show the doc my poor swollen face.
I have become really paranoid lately that something is going o happen to the baby. I think it might be because every two weeks or so I was having an ultra sound. It has been four weeks and I still have two to four weeks until the next one. I am going to schedule it as soon as I can. I am dying to know if it’s a boy or girl! I really want to find out before we go to Texas and Oklahoma over the newyear. I would love to tell the news to our families in person.

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