Tuesday, April 28, 2009

34 weeks 3 days He's a big one!

We just had our growth ultrasound this afternoon to discover that we are, in fact, having a huge baby boy. At 34w & 3 days he is already 6.5 pounds, it’s what they expect a 37-38 week baby to weigh. Declan will be an estimated 9.5-10+ pounds at full term
I am not at risk for pre-term labor or anything like that, because developmentally he is 34 weeks. My doctors main concern is how we are going to deliver him. Doc said that we would get a better idea as the weeks go by based on what my cervix is doing and on what the baby is doing. Dr. Stemple, however, wants me to keep an open mind about having a c-section. He said that 15+ years of experience makes him believe that I am not going to be able to deliver him vaginally. This is based on my body type and how Declan is positioned. Worse case and most likely scenario according to him is I will have a long intensive labor including a few hours of pushing only to have a c-section in the end. I am depressed and scared. This sucks, I wanted to have a natural birth so bad and here I am pretty much facing an inevitable c-section. I just need to keep reminding myself that in the end I will have my baby. I have to remember all that matters is that I have a beautiful healthy baby boy.


Sarah said...

From a 2 time c-sectioner, I would wear my husbands Hanes boxer briefs along with the hideous underwares they give you in the hospital. They don't touch the incision area at all like reg. undies do. C-sections are rough, but if you have it scheduled then they are not in such a hurry and do a better job. My last two kids I went all the way to 9cm and had to have a c-section. It was disappointing but in the end I had a beautiful baby and thats all that matters in the end. Good luck to you, and kiss those 0-3month clothes goodbye. My Emmy was 9.10oz and NEVER fit into them! I wish you all the luck in the world!

Unknown said...

Is it too late for you to get a second opinion? His advice goes against everything YOU WANT. Seriously, my cousin lives on an island where women give birth to 13 pound babies vaginally all the time, all natural. If that's what you want, it might be worth your while to find a midwife or someone else who isn't a doctor. There are ways to massage the cervix and stretch it to accommodate a larger baby. Ian's shoulders were 14 inches ACROSS, and I did it vaginally, no problem. A 9-10 pound baby's shoulders are going to be about that size. Sorry to rant, but I feel like you're being bullied by scare tactics into something that you don't want. Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Also (sorry, but I am all fired up), I have a severely tipped uterus, which doesn't make birth any easier, so whatever he is saying about body type... well, I don't know if I buy it. Get a second opinion. Seriously. Doctors, especially male doctors, are infamous for jumping straight to the most scientific answer and not giving our natural female bodies enough credit. In the end, you have to do what's best for you and your baby, which I know you will. You are a fantastic mom and will have a beautiful birth experience, no matter what happens.

Violet, Shane and Declan said...

Thank you, your comments make me feel much better.