Monday, April 27, 2009

34 weeks 2 days

With our due date right around the corner I have spent a lot of time sitting and thinking about what this means. I had such high hopes for using the Bradley Method. That kinda fell through after I chose a bad instructor. I am hoping to use some of the skills taught with Bradley and other breathing techniques. I am going to have Shane learn some meditation type breathing instructions to walk me through.
Since I found out I was pregnant I have been going back and forth on whether or not I want to hire a doula. I absolutely love the idea of having someone there who is familiar with the hospital, procedures and is there just to help me. They are so expensive! Who can afford the fees I ask? Who can afford $600 for a birth coach?
I have come to terms with the fact that I might get an epidural. I accept that if I do get one it’s going to be fine. My baby will be okay and I will be so proud to have done it, to have given birth. I am super happy that I came to this realization because I don’t want to feel like a failure if I don’t go all natural. Birth is different for everyone and a lot of first time moms are in labor for 24-48+ hours. I think at some point one would probably become so exhausted that a break from the pain will sound magical. I know Shane hates to see me in pain and I think he would rather I get the epi then struggle through it.
I cant believe I am 34 weeks, that this sat I will be 35 weeks.
It’s all becoming so scary and so real.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you, Ms. Violet! Birth is hard, but it's good that you're keeping your options open. I got an epi and I've never regretted it. You are going to be a fantastic mom. Wait, you already are!!!