Tuesday, February 3, 2009

22 weeks 3 days

We got to see Deco kick last night! At 11:25pm while watching, get this, a kung fu movie, I felt enormous kicks behind my belly button. I pulled the covers down, waited a minute and their it was, my belly button bouncing around. Shane’s eyes got all big and I started to giggle uncontrollably. He is our future kung-fu champ! He continued with the huge visible prods for about 15 minutes then he simmered down a bit to start up again about 20 minutes later.
His sleeping a lot during the day and kicking a lot early morning, late night and through out the night, is a little worrisome. I hope this isn't his sleep schedule once out of the womb.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Sounds like Deco is on the same sleep schedule as my little man! I'm glad you finally got to see him! I was about 22 weeks when it happened to me too. It's probably my favorite part of this experience. I just love watching him bounce around!