Thursday, February 26, 2009

25 weeks 5 days

It’s snowy outside. I totally didn’t see that coming.
Pregnancy hormones are working me over as the week progresses. It has become relatively easy to make me cry. Pregnancy brain is hitting me hard, I can barely remember my name much less the bodies entire endocrine system. Adrenocorticotropic hormone does what again? If I pass anatomy and physiology 232 this term it will be a miracle. It’s not that I don’t understand the material. In lecture whenever the teacher asks a question he immediately looks t o me for the answer because 9 times outta 10 I have it. I just suck when it comes to test time. I feel confident, think I am doing well and when the scores come in I see that I failed miserably. One thing I have learned from my test anxiety and stress management classes is that it’s okay if you don’t pass a class. It’s not the end of the world, I’m not going to die and I can retake the course.
I can feel Declan moving around a lot, sometimes it feels like he is doing summersaults. Crazy kid. It’s so cute, whenever Shane gets home at night he gets super active. I swear he starts up after he hears his daddy’s voice. If Shane puts his arm around me belly Deco loves to just start kicking him. I think he is just as excited to meet us, as we are to meet him.
I watched Brothers Solomon yesterday. It’s a cute, weird, funny having a baby movie. Then I watched a sad, inspiring documentary called Born Into Brothels. It’s about a group of children whose mothers are prostitutes who work and live in one of Calcutta’s red light districts. An amazing film, I recommend everyone watch it.


Sarah said...

Ive seen that film, it was very sad....I read a book along those lines to, Jess has it. Glad to hear the little warrior is moving and grooving :)

Good luck with your school! How exciting!


Maureen said...

I came upon that film randomly on netflix instant. It was really interesting. I think I cried a few times but then that may have been prego hormones...