Monday, February 9, 2009

23 weeks 2 days

Things are steadily moving along and I feel great. No heartburn, no intense sciatica pain, no constipation or any of the other horrible things one suffers during pregnancy. Now totally unpregnancy related, I have a terrible cold that has turned into an awful sinus and chest infection. I guess all those years of smoking caused enough damage to my poor lungs that they are still semi easily infected.
My feet have grown an entire shoe size! So, I got a new pair of awesome shoes to go with my new feet. A pair of Keen Briggs! Thank you ovaries and yeah for relaxin, what a wonderful hormone you are. Not only are you making it easier for baby but you got momma the shoes she has been dying to own!
Pregnancy brain has made school really hard. I am really excited to go back after the baby and be able to take a few courses that are unrelated to biology or science. I want to take a couple history courses, abnormal psych, creative writing and maybe an art course or too. I have been so engrossed with prerequisite for nursing I have forgot all about all of these other wonderful courses. I think I am going to go back again in the fall.
I booked the baby shower location it’s going to be at a brick oven pizza place here by the house on April 4th. The pizza there is fantastic and the owner is super nice. I am sooooo excited!!Well it’s getting close to that time, class starts in an hour.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm putting April 4 down on my calendar.