I finally got ran into the rude lady who asked how far along I am and upon hearing the answer she exclamed "Oh my god! Your huge! Sure your not having twins!" Then she conitued to tell me how much smaller her pregnant daughter in law is. Thanks lady! No woman, especially a pregnant one, wants to hear about how huge she is.
My baby is healthy and that's all that matters.
That is so rude!!! I can't believe that they would just say something like that without even considering the impact of what they're saying. Her daughter will probably have an underweight baby while you're toting along a healthy and strong baby boy.
I gained 50lbs with all my kids and they were 8 and almost 10 lbs! I used to just tell people after awile that "no I was just fat to start with" gives them like that "did she just say that" look. I wish you all the luck with your little, take it easy. Its stinks this is your first little guys and its taking its toll on your body. Rest, Relax, and try not to die of boredom...you got a long way to go with Hotel Mama :)
I remember those comments. I ALSO remember the grabby hands people who thought my belly was public property. There was one girl in particular who would ALWAYS rub my belly and talk ridiculous baby talk to it, so finally one day, I saw her going for it, shifted my weight, leaned over HER belly, rubbed it and said, "Oh, look at the little belly! It's a cute belly, isn't it?"
She never really tried that whole belly rubbing thing again... :D
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